Future of Social Media Businesses in Dubai is Female

With global demand for online connectivity, marketing your brand online has never been more critical. There are millions of users using social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube which provide a golden opportunity for companies to promote their products and services to a receptive audience.

The time has come where social media is not just used for brand awareness but for forming a business online in Dubai and selling the products virtually. Demand for setting up a business through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. is on rising in Dubai, with many traders especially the women applying for trader license.

According to the data provided by the Department of Economic Development (DED) showed that 3,333 licenses had been issued to trade goods on social media since the launch in 2017. The UAE nationals accounted for 2,420, i.e. 70 per cent of total permits secured and 60 per cent of the licenses have been issued to women. The data come as several new business licenses granted in Dubai in the first half of 2019 increased more than 33 per cent in one year.

Statistics released by the DED’s Business Registration and Licensing (BRL) sector showed that a total of 14,737 new business licenses (a pace of about 81 per day) were issued from January to June this year, compared to 11,059 during the same period in 2018.

The statistics showed that 12 per cent of the total licenses granted were to women. In terms of locations, more than half of the licenses issued (7,584) were for businesses in the Bur Dubai area. Deira was in second (7,135), followed by Hatta (18). There were also 73,404 business license renewals in Dubai in the first half of 2019.

E-Trade License in Dubai

E-trader license in Dubai plays a significant role in promoting consumer confidence in shopping for products and services on social networking sites. The license not just eliminates any obstacles for social media users but also helps improve accountability and intellectual property protection. Licensing a business activity enhances consumer confidence and removes the risk of infringement on a reserved trade name or other intellectual property. Having an e-trader license will also guarantee the rights of everyone concerned and defines the legal accountability of the trader.

The benefits of getting an e-trader license in Dubai includes-

  • Trade name protection
  • Participation in conferences and exhibitions
  • Greater customer confidence
  • Bank facilities (Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Emirates Islamic, and Mashreq Bank)
  • Membership in Dubai Chamber
  • Facilitating in import and export
  • Displaying products in consumer points of sale

The trade license in Dubai can be registered under the name of a single owner only. The holder of the license cannot open a shop or issue visas, and in case of a legal dispute, the licensee alone will be held responsible.

Social Media for Your Business in Dubai

The digital era is prosperous on various social media platforms and kinds. The platform has broken down barriers between companies and their customers. Now, instead of calling a customer service line, many people turn to Facebook or Twitter to solve problems or find information. By giving your business brand the social media touch, you not only create more business but also connect with your customers better and serve them on a higher level. It makes your digital marketing easier.

The choice is up to you and your purpose. The main thing to understand here is not to lose opportunities to raise awareness about your business and brand and increase the visibility of the product.

We at Commitbiz are a business setup platform based in the UAE. We provide services like company incorporation, registration, PRO, local sponsor, accounting and taxation, IP, product marketing etc. If you need hiring a consultant for the aforementioned service, do contact us- we’d be happy to assist you.