How to Start a Baqala in Abu Dhabi?

by Zaara 12, Oct 2021

Every grocery shop in Abu Dhabi has a diverse level of products ranging from world-class quality to lower-grade goods that were easily attainable. In 2013, the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (FDCA) started Project Baqala in order to supply higher-quality foods at a lesser cost and make them more widely available.

Every Baqala in Abu Dhabi is governed under Project Baqala. It was created to ensure the stores' sustainability, quality, health, and safety. Under this scheme, every grocery store must use the same name as Baqala. Furthermore, the distinctive characteristics of each business will be mentioned in a smaller font, making them stand out without sacrificing quality.

This will allow firms to comply with the norms and regulations while also keeping their personal brand. As a result, every shop in Abu Dhabi is called Baqala.

More About Baqala Business in Abu Dhabi

Every Baqala business in Abu Dhabi is expected to maintain a standard shop design, amenities, adequate security equipment, uniformed employees, and many other standards. One of the primary goals of enforcing such standards is to eliminate any health risks to customers and staff that may arise from a lack of cleanliness and hygiene in the store.

The second motivation for following such guidelines is to improve consumer happiness. More consumers will enter the business because of the cleanliness, and increasing footfall. The third and most essential purpose is to boost the store's income. 

Why Start a Baqala in Abu Dhabi?

Every business set up in Abu Dhabi has its unique set of reasons to get started and especially, and there are two important reasons why one might consider opening a Baqala in Abu Dhabi.

Minimum Initial Investment

In comparison to other enterprises, the cost of establishing a Baqala is much lower. The administration will have to devote more time and effort to the construction of the Baqala.

Demand Never Goes Off.

The grocery stores will not encounter fewer demands in the future since the population of the region is always growing and the need for home items will not decrease soon. Furthermore, because Baqalas is situated in or near residential areas, the market will constantly rise.

Take a Look at Baqala Abu Dhabi Requirements 

There are certain Baqala Abu Dhabi requirements that you need to follow. They are

Understand your Business

Before you open a Baqala in Abu Dhabi, you must first understand your industry. This implies you must comprehend the region's demand and supply for commodities. Since a Baqala, you will be selling groceries and other home products, and you must be familiar with the local culture and geography, as this will influence the demand for your goods and services.

You need a Local Partner

When it comes to Baqala, the UAE government has its own set of restrictions. When establishing a Baqala business in the UAE, you must have an Emirati partner. 

This step will assist management in better understanding the demands and requirements. It will also help the authorities better grasp the region's customs.

Pre-requisites to Get Baqala License in Abu Dhabi

To get a Baqala license in Abu Dhabi and start your store, you need to follow the following steps


A retailer may or may not be linked with the Baqala program. A non-affiliated store must use a Baqala logo version. Individuals or partnerships often handle these establishments, with one partner needed by law to be an Emirati.

Geographical Location

Because a Baqala is a real business, you must first locate a place where you may open your Baqala. All hygiene and protection standards and regulations, including pest management and weather safety, must be observed according to legislation. Every Baqala must be at least five thousand millimeters (5000 mm) apart from one another.

DED Authorization

To obtain approval from the Department of Economic Development (DED), management must offer a comprehensive inventory of all items accessible at your business. If you want to add more items in the future, the administration should send this list to the DED as well.

Invoicing System

Invoicing System You must have an appropriate invoice system. The UAE government has made it essential to present physical invoices to your clients for any products purchased from your Baqala.

Appropriate Price Tag

All of the items in your Baqala must be properly priced. The government of the United Arab Emirates has made this a required requirement.


The trade name on signs and license must be the same. There should be no variations in Baqala's name.


Every food item you want to sell must have a government-registered trademark.

If you are looking forward to seizing this lucrative idea of starting your own Baqala in Abu Dhabi, contact us. Our expert consultants at Commitbiz will be happy to help you with every kind of service and advice. With our professional assistance, your company can become one of the best in the market. So, to be a part of this ever-growing economy of Abu Dhabi, wait no more and write to us without any delay. We are happy to help you round the clock.


What is a Baqala in Abu Dhabi?

The word Baqala is derived from an ancient Arabic word meaning grocery or everything that comes from the ground directly.

What should you know before setting up a Baqala?

The things to be known before Setting up a Baqala are:

  • Understand your business
  • Understand business environment in which the Baqala will be operating
  • Understand the local partner

How to open a Baqala in Abu Dhabi?

Here are the key domains to focus upon during the opening of a Baqala:

  • Logo
  • Physical Location
  • Permission from DED
  • Invoice System
  • Price Tag
  • Nomenclature
  • Trade Mark

What is Project Baqala?

Project Baqala was started to supply higher-quality foods at a lesser cost and make them more widely available.

Can I open a Baqala in a unique design?

No, according to project Baqala, every Baqala is required to maintain a standard store design, facilities, sufficient security equipment, staff with uniforms, and many other requirements.