Final Stage of Issuing Operator License in the UAE

by Zaara 02, Jan 2020

From the past ten years, the UAE is still on the way to build its first nuclear power plant in Barakah. Now the UAE is in the final stage of issuing licenses for the nuclear plant. Now being built but cannot yet give a date for when it will be granted. Operator Nawah Energy Company said in May that Barakah should startup between the end of 2019 and early 2020. To fulfill the greater energy demand, the world’s largest oil exporter, the UAE said only a nuclear power plant can meet its energy demand.

The obligation of the Nuclear Power Plant

In December 2009, The collaboration of  Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) with the  Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) a $20billion was bid to build its first nuclear power plant consisting  four APR-1400 nuclear reactors which will produce 5,600MW of power in Barakah (UAE) and after that longing from the last ten years it is still on its way. Bloomberg report indicates the price of $25 billion from that  South Korea may earn a further $20 billion from operation, maintenance, and fuel supply contracts.

With several companies setting up business in UAE, and the city has a cosmopolitan population, it is required to meet UAE’s electricity demand, which is estimated to increase from 15 GWe to over 40 GWe in 2020. UAE has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), along with the additional protocol.

For this purpose, nuclear policy is also there to execute safe and stable nuclear programs. Qatar lodged a letter of complaint to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding the Barakah nuclear power plant, stating concerns about its safety and lack of co-operation with regional states on the project as well as that it indicates a serious threat to regional stability and the environment but denying that complaint nuclear policy of UAE cleared that  Barakah adheres to the highest standards of nuclear safety and secure.

Now the United Arab Emirates’ regulator is in the final stages of issuing a license to the operator of the Barakah nuclear power plant said Christer Viktorrson, who is the director-general of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR).“We are not yet ready to issue the operating license, we are in the final stages,” Viktorrson told reporters in Abu Dhabi also he said the UAE was working with government entities on a strategy to provide education and training in radiation protection to those involved in the project.“We are currently working in collaboration with 26 national stakeholders to draft the UAE’s national strategy for education and training in radiation protection,” he said.

FANR is also working to help develop and maintain a wealth of data and information about nuclear contamination and risks.

Safety Management of The Nuclear Plant

FANR’s management board has reviewed the 2020 Operational Plan blueprint that checks all the key activities supporting the Authority's mission to regulate the nuclear industry in the UAE. The Board got to know about the latest updates of the ongoing review of the Operating License Application for Units 1 and 2 at the Barakah plant as well as all relevant inspection activities to ensure the implementation of FANR’s safety, security needs. It approved a License for the Operation of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, the natural radioactive elements wastes that are submitted by Abu Dhabi.

For the safety of the public from hazardous radiation, Members of the board also approved the newly drafted Regulation 27 on Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste, which is based on the UAE Nuclear Law that defines the need for regulations addressing spent fuel and radioactive waste.

License Approval for The Nuclear Plant

To match up the standards of the plant with the public demand as well as the government policies,  UAE's journey towards a peaceful nuclear energy program remains on track and operating license for the first two units of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant would be approved shortly. As it is the third-largest country in producing oil, many companies are willing to set up their oil factories, it would be a difficult part to get the license so our company commitbiz is helping companies to get their license in a hassle-free manner.


Nuclear energy plays a vital role in the future sustainability of a nation. Once fully operational the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant will provide up to a quarter of the nation’s electricity, and save up to 21 million tons of carbon emission every year. This industry is going to support its economic development by providing thousands of jobs for the Emiratis. Finally, after long ten years, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp's handover of its operations by saying 'almost complete' , it evidently justifies it is in the final stage of issuing a license of the Barakah nuclear power plant.

We at Commitbiz have 13 plus years of experience in various thriving sectors of UAE. Contact us for more information on the operator’s license for nuclear plant establishment UAE.